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Excel VBA Multiple Automatic Goal Seek Required – Please Assist us

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    Lightbulb Excel VBA Multiple Automatic Goal Seek Required – Please Assist us


    I would very grateful if you can please help with the problem I have run into. We sell on Amazon and I am trying to automate our costing sheet so based on margins our selling price can be decided. However, I am struggling as the Amazon fee is a % of the price and hence has a further impact on your margin.

    I have uploaded a test excel sheet, with two sheets. I have attempted to use a VBA code which is shown below:
    Option Explicit
     Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim r As Range
    Set r = Range("F2,M2")
    If Intersect(Target, r) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Range("J2").GoalSeek Goal:=Range("M2"), ChangingCell:=Range("G2")
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub
    Now, I have a few problems. The code sort of works, however it does not tackle these issues:

    1. It only works for one row at a time, we have thousands of products on our other sheet and I want a code which will cover the entire spreadsheet.
    2. I have to paste this code in every sheet, is there a way to put it on the work book
    3. We want our min price to be written on the min price column, and same with the max price on the max price column, based on the % specified in other column. How can we run this simultaneously?
    4. The cost EX VAT is the addition of B2:E2, however, I have just used F2 which is Cost of EX VAT in the VBA shown, therefore if cost changes, automatically price should change. But this does not work, on the other hand if I specify B2,
    C2, D2… in the code individually then it works. Why is this?

    I do not have amazing knowledge on VBA as I am learning, any help will be greatly appreciated. If you can think of simpler ways to solve our problem, please help.

    Thanks for taking time to help or even read this.

    Kind Regards,
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