
Within the last 6 months i created a spreadsheet that grabs data from an external realtime database. I have several macros in the workbook to refresh data, copy and paste comments etc.
The computer I did all this work on died, and a new computer was issued to me. now when I'm in that work book, I can't refresh (F9) or type text in a cell and hit enter/tab without getting a VBA error box that says Cant find Project or Library. Old computer was running Windows XP and Office 2010. New computer is running Windos 7 64bit with office 2010. I can open and run the workbook on other XP pc's with no issues. but I get these errors on 2 diferent (newer) PCs. Anyone else exeriencing this type of thing? Anyone Know how to fix it...

I should tellyou that I have no MISSING: references in the dialog window.

