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Please Help Me solve Excel with Visual Basic 2010

  1. #1
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    Please Help Me solve Excel with Visual Basic 2010

    I'm newbie..First time touching visual basic 2010 . I want to compare 2 files , If 2 files having same item then the item will be copy and place in new excel file. However I'm having diffult on the compare cells part.
    I had been trying to solve the question but I cant get a solution by searching internet.
    Please Help me and take note on my error ..Please
    Below are my code

    Option Strict Off
    Option Explicit On
    Imports VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
    Class Form1

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim m As Integer

    Dim excel As New Object
    Dim workbook As New Object
    Dim sheet As New Object

    Dim excel1 As New Object
    Dim workbook1 As New Object
    Dim sheet1 As New Object

    Dim excel2 As New Object
    Dim workbook2 As New Object
    Dim sheet2 As New Object

    Dim excel3 As New Object
    Dim workbook3 As New Object
    Dim sheet3 As New Object

    Dim csv_location_check As String
    Dim outputdrive$
    Dim unmount_output$
    Dim ma_output$
    Dim BOM_output$
    Dim csv_location As String
    Dim rmd_location$
    Dim unmount_B$
    Dim unmount As String
    Dim count_csv$
    Dim partNumber2$
    Dim Location_2$
    Dim Location_length$
    Dim CT$
    Dim Tech$
    Dim Location_Renamed$
    Dim partNumber$
    Dim filename As String
    Dim sFileName As String
    Dim csv_file$
    Dim rmd_file$
    Dim eBOM_file$
    Dim BOM_database$
    Dim Location_rmd$

    Dim count_rmd_3 As Integer
    Dim count_rmd_2 As Integer
    Dim Bot_exit As Integer
    Dim rmd_comp As Integer
    Dim check_Bom As Boolean
    Dim Bot_comp As Integer
    Dim total_comp As Integer
    Dim Top_comp As Integer
    Dim error_BOM_2 As Integer
    Dim error_tech As Boolean
    Dim csv_comp As Integer
    Dim smd_bot As Integer
    Dim smd_top As Integer
    Dim ma As Integer
    Dim col_1 As Integer
    Dim col_2 As Integer
    Dim col_count As Integer
    Dim model As Integer
    Dim error_nb As Integer
    Dim error_ma As Integer
    Dim error_BOM As Integer
    Dim error_eBOM As Integer
    Private Sub Browse_csv_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Browse_csv.Click
    On Error GoTo errorhandler
    Dim sFileNames() As String
    Dim sPath As String
    Const max_size As Integer = 32767
    OpenCSV.Filter = "Miscorsoft Comma Seperated Value(*.csv)|*.csv"
    OpenCSV.FilterIndex = 2
    OpenCSV.Multiselect = True
    OpenCSV.CheckFileExists = True
    OpenCSV.CheckPathExists = True
    csv_txt.Text = OpenCSV.FileName
    sFileNames = Split(OpenCSV.FileName, vbNullChar)
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub

    End Sub

    Private Sub Browse_rmd_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Browse_rmd.Click
    Dim filter_Renamed As String
    On Error GoTo OpenError
    filename$ = ""
    OpenRMD.Filter = "Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.lst)|*.lst"
    OpenRMD.FilterIndex = 2
    rmd_txt.Text = OpenRMD.FileName

    GenerateBtn.Enabled = True
    Exit Sub
    Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Private Sub GenerateBtn_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles GenerateBtn.Click
    Dim count_eBOM, count_rmd, count_csv, csv_comp, rmd_comp, eBOM_comp, BOM_comp As Integer
    Dim count_BOM As Integer
    Dim row_rmd_2, row_csv, row_rmd, row_eBOM As Integer
    Dim row_BOM As Integer

    outputdrive = "O:\ENG\Dept\04_Common\02_Development_Guidelines\02_PCB\Training_Folder\"
    BOM_output = outputdrive & PCB_txt.Text & "_components.txt"
    FileOpen(2, BOM_output, OpenMode.Output)

    unmount_output = outputdrive & PCB_txt.Text & "_nb_components.txt"
    FileOpen(1, unmount_output, OpenMode.Output)

    ma_output = outputdrive & PCB_txt.Text & "_ma_component.txt"
    FileOpen(3, ma_output, OpenMode.Output)

    unmount_txt.Text = ""
    PrintLine(1, "Generating EBOM.....")

    'Bom_txt.Text = ""
    'PrintLine(2, "Generating EBOM ")

    ma_txt.Text = ""
    PrintLine(3, "Generating EBOM...")

    unmount_txt.Text = unmount_txt.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Generating n.b.componentlist..."
    unmount_txt.Text = unmount_txt.Text & vbNewLine & "Not inserted components are : "
    PrintLine(1, "Generating n.b.component list...")
    PrintLine(1, "not inserted component are :")

    ma_txt.Text = ma_txt.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Generating ma components "
    PrintLine(3, "Generating ma components...")

    csv_file = csv_txt.Text
    rmd_file = rmd_txt.Text
    eBOM_file = "O:\ENG\Dept\04_Common\02_Development_Guidelines\02_PCB\Training_Folder\EBOM.xls"

    excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    workbook = excel.workbooks.Open(csv_file)
    excel.visible = True
    sheet = workbook.worksheets.Item(1)
    For csv_comp = 3 To 1000
    If sheet.Cells(csv_comp, 4).Value = "" Then
    Exit For
    count_csv = count_csv + 1
    End If

    excel1 = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    workbook1 = excel1.Workbooks.Open(rmd_file)
    excel1.Visible = True
    sheet1 = workbook1.worksheets.Item(1)
    For rmd_comp = 13 To 1000
    If sheet1.Cells(rmd_comp, 1).value = "" Then
    Exit For
    count_rmd = count_rmd + 1
    End If

    excel2 = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    workbook2 = excel2.Workbooks.Open(eBOM_file)
    excel2.Visible = True
    sheet2 = workbook2.worksheets.Item(1)
    ' sheet2.Cells(1, 3) = title_txt.text
    'sheet2.Cells(2, 3) = "eBOM_" & PCB_txt.Text

    error_nb = False
    error_ma = False
    error_BOM = False

    smd_bot = 0
    smd_top = 0
    i = 0
    count_rmd_3 = count_rmd + 14
    Dim toLoop As Integer
    toLoop = 3 + count_csv
    For row_csv = 3 To toLoop

    unmount = sheet.Range(sheet.cells(row_csv, 8)).Value Conversion from type Range to type String is not valid
    csv_location = sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(row_csv, 4)).Value
    csv_location_check = sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(row_csv, 7)).Value

    If csv_location_check = "MP" Or csv_location_check = "TP" Then GoTo 408
    For row_rmd = 13 To 13 + count_rmd
    rng = DirectCast(sheet1.get_Range(sheet1.Cells(row_rmd, 1), sheet1.Cells(36, 4)), Excel.Range)

    Tech = VB.Left(VB.Right(sheet1.Cells(row_rmd, 1), 36), 4) Conversion from type Range is not valid

    CT = VB.Left(VB.Right(sheet1.Cells(row_rmd.ToString, 1), 45), 6)
    Location_Renamed = VB.Right(VB.Left(sheet1.cells(row_rmd.ToString, 1), 7), 5)
    Location_length = VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed.ToString, 3), 1)
    partNumber = VB.Right(VB.Left(sheet1.Cells(row_rmd, 1), 27), 13)
    partNumber2 = VB.Left(partNumber, 1) & VB.Right(VB.Left(partNumber, 5), 3) & VB.Right(VB.Left(partNumber, 9), 3) & VB.Right(partNumber, 3)
    If VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 3), 1) = "" Then
    Location_2 = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & "0000" & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 1)
    Location_rmd = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 1)
    ElseIf VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 2), 1) = "" Then
    Location_2 = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & "000" & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 2)
    Location_rmd = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 2)
    ElseIf VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 1), 1) = "" Then
    Location_2 = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & "00" & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 3)
    Location_rmd = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 3)
    Location_2 = Location_Renamed
    Location_rmd = Location_Renamed
    End If

    If unmount <> "n.b." And csv_location = Location_rmd Then
    For row_eBOM = 14 + i To count_rmd_3
    If CT = "TOP" And Tech = "smd" Then
    Top_comp = Top_comp + 1
    i = i + 1
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 4) = partNumber2
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 3) = Location_2
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 6) = "CT"
    Exit For
    ElseIf CT = "TOP" And Tech = "cons" Then
    i = i + 1
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 4) = partNumber2
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 3) = Location_2
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 6) = "CT"
    Exit For
    ElseIf CT = "BOTTOM" And Tech = "smd" Then
    smd_bot = smd_bot + 1
    Exit For
    ElseIf CT = "BOTTOM " And Tech = "cons" Then
    smd_bot = smd_bot + 1
    Exit For
    ElseIf Tech <> "smd" And Tech <> "" And Tech <> "cons" Then
    error_ma = error_ma + 1
    ma_txt.Text = ma_txt.Text & vbNewLine & "Please define process insertion - " & Location_2
    PrintLine(3, "Please define " & Location_2)
    Exit For
    End If
    End If
    If unmount = "b.b." And csv_location = rmd_location Then
    error_nb = error_nb + 1
    unmount_txt.Text = unmount_txt.Text & vbNewLine & csv_location & "-" & sheet.cells(row_csv, 7)
    PrintLine(1, csv_location & "-" & sheet.cells(row_csv, 7))
    ElseIf csv_location = Location_rmd Then
    Exit For
    End If

    'checking for cb
    m = 0
    smd_top = 16 + i
    Bot_exit = 0
    Bot_comp = 1
    If smd_bot <> 0 Then
    For row_csv = 3 To 3 + count_csv
    unmount = sheet.cells(row_csv, 8)
    csv_location = sheet.cells(row_csv, 4)
    csv_location_check = sheet.cells(row_csv, 7)
    If csv_location_check = "MP" Or csv_location_check = "TP" Then GoTo 508
    For row_rmd = 13 To 13 + count_rmd
    Tech = VB.Left(VB.Right(sheet1.Cells(row_rmd, 1), 36), 4)
    CT = VB.Left(VB.Right(sheet1.Cells(row_rmd, 1), 45), 6)
    Location_Renamed = VB.Right(VB.Left(sheet1.cells(row_rmd, 1), 7), 5)
    Location_length = VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 3), 1)
    partNumber = VB.Right(VB.Left(sheet1.Cells(row_rmd, 1), 27), 13)
    partNumber2 = VB.Left(partNumber, 1) & VB.Right(VB.Left(partNumber, 5), 3) & VB.Right(VB.Left(partNumber, 9), 3) & VB.Right(partNumber, 3)
    If VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 3), 1) = "" Then
    Location_2 = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & "0000" & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 1)
    Location_rmd = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 1)
    ElseIf VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 2), 1) = "" Then
    Location_2 = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & "000" & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 2)
    Location_rmd = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 2)
    ElseIf VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 1), 1) = "" Then
    Location_2 = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & "00" & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 3)
    Location_rmd = VB.Left(Location_Renamed, 1) & VB.Left(VB.Right(Location_Renamed, 4), 3)
    Location_2 = Location_Renamed
    Location_rmd = Location_Renamed
    End If
    count_rmd_2 = count_rmd_3 + 2
    For row_eBOM = smd_top + m To count_rmd_2
    If CT = "BOTTOM" And Tech = "smd" Then
    Bot_comp = Bot_comp + 1
    m = m + 1
    Bot_exit = Bot_exit + 1
    sheet2.cells(row_eBOM, 4) = partNumber2
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 3) = Location_2
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 6) = "CB"
    smd_bot = smd_bot - 1
    Exit For
    ElseIf CT = "BOTTOM" And Tech = "cons" Then
    m = m + 1
    sheet2.cells(row_eBOM, 4) = partNumber2
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 3) = Location_2
    sheet2.Cells(row_eBOM, 6) = "CB"
    smd_bot = smd_bot - 1
    Exit For
    End If

    If csv_location = rmd_location Then
    Exit For
    End If
    End If

    excel = Nothing
    workbook = Nothing
    sheet = Nothing
    excel1 = Nothing
    workbook1 = Nothing
    sheet1 = Nothing
    excel2 = Nothing
    workbook2 = Nothing
    sheet2 = Nothing

    End Sub

    End Class

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Izandol's Avatar
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    Excel 20(03|10|13)

    Re: Please Help Me solve Excel with Visual Basic 2010

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