I have the following code in a module that is activated by a control button on UserForm1. I have ComboBox1 in Userform1 that allows selection of a list of years. I am trying to figure out a way to place that year that is selected into in the parameters of the formula that are in bold.

Sub sumthem()
Dim ws As Worksheet
If UserForm1.ComboBox1.Value = "1st Quarter" Then

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
.Item(1).Range("J2").Formula = "=SUMIFS(E1:E2000,B1:B2000,"">=04-01-2014"",B1:B2000,""<=04-30-2014"")"
.Item(1).Range("J2").NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00" 'currency format
.FillAcrossSheets .Item(1).Range("J2"), xlFillWithAll

.Item(2).Range("J3").Formula = "=SUMIFS(E1:E2000,B1:B2000,"">=05-01-2014"",B1:B2000,""<=05-31-2014"")"
.Item(2).Range("J3").NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00" 'currency format
.FillAcrossSheets .Item(2).Range("J3"), xlFillWithAll

.Item(3).Range("J4").Formula = "=SUMIFS(E1:E2000,B1:B2000,"">=06-01-2014"",B1:B2000,""<=06-30-2014"")"
.Item(3).Range("J4").NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00" 'currency format
.FillAcrossSheets .Item(3).Range("J4"), xlFillWithAll

.Item(4).Range("I2") = "Month 1"
.FillAcrossSheets .Item(4).Range("I2"), xlFillWithAll
.Item(5).Range("I3") = "Month 2"
.FillAcrossSheets .Item(5).Range("I3"), xlFillWithAll
.Item(6).Range("I4") = "Month 3"
.FillAcrossSheets .Item(6).Range("I4"), xlFillWithAll

.Item(7).Range("I1") = "Month"
.FillAcrossSheets .Item(7).Range("I1"), xlFillWithAll
.Item(8).Range("J1") = "OT Total"
.FillAcrossSheets .Item(8).Range("J1"), xlFillWithAll

End With
Else: MsgBox "Not There"
End If

End Sub

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!