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Running Macro for entire column

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  1. #1
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    Running Macro for entire column

    I have the following Macro which I got to work how I wanted to for inventory, I would like it to be applied to the entire column instead of having to select each cell. Some cells will be empty and there is a header near the top of the worksheet to ignore. If not possible, being able to have it applied to a selection now, and then as I add more items I can run the macro for that item over time.


    ' The Auto_Open name forces this macro to run every time
    ' the workbook containing this macro is opened.

    Sub Auto_Open()
    ' Every time a cell's value is changed,
    ' the RunningTotal macro runs.
    Application.OnEntry = "RunningTotal"
    End Sub

    ' This macro runs each time the value of a cell changes.
    ' It adds the current value of the cell to the value of the
    ' cell comment. Then it stores the new total in the cell comment.
    Sub RunningTotal()

    On Error GoTo errorhandler ' Skip cells that have no comment.

    With Application.Caller

    ' Checks to see if the cell is a running total by
    ' checking to see if the first 4 characters of the cell
    ' comment are "RT= ". NOTE: there is a space after the equal
    ' sign.
    If Left(.Comment.Text, 4) = "RT= " Then

    ' Change the cell's value to the new value in the cell
    ' plus the old total stored in the cell comment.
    RT = Right(.Comment.Text, Len(.Comment.Text) - 4) - .Value
    .Value = RT

    ' Store the new total in the cell note.
    .Comment.Text Text:="RT= " & RT
    End If
    End With

    Exit Sub ' Skip over the errorhandler routine.

    errorhandler: ' End the procedure if no comment in the cell.
    Exit Sub

    End Sub

    ' This macro sets up a cell to be a running total cell.
    Sub SetComment()
    With ActiveCell
    ' Set comment to indicate that a running total is present.
    ' If the ActiveCell is empty, multiplying by 1 will
    ' return a 0.
    .Comment.Text Text:="RT= " & (ActiveCell * 1)
    End With
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: Running Macro for entire column

    Hi, Pinnz,

    Your post does not comply with Rule 3 of our Forum RULES. Use code tags around code.

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    (This thread should receive no further responses until this moderation request is fulfilled, as per Forum Rule 7)

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  3. #3
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    Re: Running Macro for entire column

    Sorry I have corrected it now
    ' The Auto_Open name forces this macro to run every time
    ' the workbook containing this macro is opened.
    Sub Auto_Open()
    ' Every time a cell's value is changed,
    ' the RunningTotal macro runs.
    Application.OnEntry = "RunningTotal"
    End Sub
    ' This macro runs each time the value of a cell changes.
    ' It adds the current value of the cell to the value of the
    ' cell comment. Then it stores the new total in the cell comment.
    Sub RunningTotal()
    On Error GoTo errorhandler ' Skip cells that have no comment.
    With Application.Caller
    ' Checks to see if the cell is a running total by
    ' checking to see if the first 4 characters of the cell
    ' comment are "RT= ". NOTE: there is a space after the equal
    ' sign.
    If Left(.Comment.Text, 4) = "RT= " Then
    ' Change the cell's value to the new value in the cell
    ' plus the old total stored in the cell comment.
    RT = Right(.Comment.Text, Len(.Comment.Text) - 4) - .Value
    .Value = RT
    ' Store the new total in the cell note.
    .Comment.Text Text:="RT= " & RT
    End If
    End With
    Exit Sub ' Skip over the errorhandler routine.
    errorhandler: ' End the procedure if no comment in the cell.
    Exit Sub
    End Sub
    ' This macro sets up a cell to be a running total cell.
    Sub SetComment()
    With ActiveCell
    ' Set comment to indicate that a running total is present.
    ' If the ActiveCell is empty, multiplying by 1 will
    ' return a 0.
    .Comment.Text Text:="RT= " & (ActiveCell * 1)
    End With
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Forum Guru HaHoBe's Avatar
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    Re: Running Macro for entire column

    Hi, Pinnz,

    you could have edited the original post instead of doing a new one.

    The macros you use are from the oldest of times - pre 97 when the Worksheet-Events where introduced. I wonder why anybody indicating to use Excel2007 still would work with these macros.

    Code goes behind the worksheet you want to monitor, this is for filling in the comments:
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim rngCell As Range
    For Each rngCell In Range("C5", Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
      If rngCell.Value <> "" Then
        With rngCell
          On Error Resume Next
          .Comment.Text Text:="RT= " & (rngCell.Value * 1)
        End With
      End If
    Next rngCell
    End Sub
    As you may have only one event of the given name you would have to use a different event for the change of comment text, maybe a double click:
    Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim RT As String
    For Each rngCell In Range("C5:C" & Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
      If Not rngCell.Value = "" Then
        With rngCell
          If Left(.Comment.Text, 4) = "RT= " Then
            RT = Right(.Comment.Text, Len(.Comment.Text) - 4) - .Value
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            .Value = RT
            .Comment.Text Text:="RT= " & RT
          End If
        End With
      End If
    Next rngCell
    Cancel = True
    End Sub

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Re: Running Macro for entire column

    Thanks for the reply, this is actually old code that I've brought out to use again. It's been years so I am rubbish at it now. I will try it out.

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