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Conditionally Format Dynamic Range

  1. #1
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    Conditionally Format Dynamic Range

    I'm looking for a way to apply conditional formatting to a dynamic range, as the number of rows will vary each week.
    If it helps, Col A could be used as a reference, as it will always have a number in it, but wherever it stops is where I would need the conditionally formatted range to cut-off as well.

    The actual range that would need formatting applied to it is Columns F-I where:
    For any values < 1.00 (it should also cover blanks, which should be treated as zeros), red highlighting is applied &
    For any text that reads "Flagged" or "Not Reported", they would need to become bold

    Additionally, I would like to start the formatting on Row 2 of the sheet in question, named "1010version"

    I would appreciate any help offered!
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    Last edited by hamidxa; 07-18-2014 at 12:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Conditionally Format Dynamic Range

    Not sure if you intended to upload a workbook here, but it would help if you did
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  3. #3
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    Re: Conditionally Format Dynamic Range

    Sample workbook added to original post.

  4. #4
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    Re: Conditionally Format Dynamic Range

    Solved it.
    I ended up using two subs, and thinking there should be a way to do it with just one, but nevertheless, here's my code.

    This does the highlighting:
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    This bolds it (I extended the range to Col K)
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