Hello. I'm trying to figure out how to have VBA return the value of the following month in mm format (i.e. 08 for August, not 8), based on today's date. As such, today it being the 7th month, I wish to return the value 08 (the 8th month).

I need the URL of

http://www.transelectrica.ro/documents/10179/326304/Comunicare_Rezultate_" & Month(MyDate) + 1 & "_AUGUST_2014.xls"
To essentailly be

but the way in which I have posted it above does not work!

Also, I need to define it such that as the month in question (in this example 08) will rename the subsequent part of the URL (here, August). So for example, next month (August), the URL should automatically become

If anyone knows how I could set this problem up in VBA i would really appreciate any help you could lend!