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hide all sheets when macro is disabled

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  1. #1
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    hide all sheets when macro is disabled

    continued from: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...-interval.html

    Quote Originally Posted by jewelsharma View Post
    Option Explicit forces explicit declaration of all variables in the code. That is why i had to declare ws as worksheet using the Dim statement before using it in the code. It is recommended to have it - however for this code it wouldn't have mattered.

    I'm not sure I exactly follow what you imply here. But yes, you can hide all the sheets at first and then "unhide" at the start of the macro. Let's say you have a "Start" sheet.. then:
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
         If ws.name <> "Start" Then
         ws.Visible = True
         If Left(ws.Name, 2) < Format(Date, "mm") Or (Left(ws.Name, 2) = Format(Date, "mm") And Right(ws.Name, 2) < Format(Date, "dd")) Then
                   ws.Cells.Locked = True
                   ws.Protect Password:="cybrkada"
                   ws.Unprotect Password:="cybrkada"
              End If
         End If
    End Sub
    Please do mark this thread as "Solved". If you have any follow-up queries, kindly raise them via separate thread. You may provide a link to this thread within the new thread to connect them. This way you are likely to receive faster responses from the forum. Cheers!
    Please help! The workbook is used by other people too. I cannot just tell them to hide the sheets, it defeats the purpose. What I want is, when macro is disabled, they will only see the START sheet, otherwise, all sheets will be visible. To add to this, a new sheet is added everyday. Sheets name are calendar dates in mmdd format

  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: hide all sheets when macro is disabled

    Helping create new solutions for new ideas is always fun, but your request is very common and turnkey solutions are found all over the web.

    Google: Excel VBA Force Macros Enabled

    Any of the top 10 links will most likely serve you instantly. The most thorough solutions are always found on Chip Pearson's site, so watch for that name.

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  3. #3
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    Re: hide all sheets when macro is disabled

    Thanks for the link! I have copied the codes and successfully made it to work except for the cells being unlocked after all the sheets become visible. How do I fix it? Thanks again!

    Option Explicit
    Private Const C_SHEETSTATE_NAME = "SheetState"
    Private Const C_INTRO_SHEETNAME = "Introduction"    '<<<< CHANGE
    Private Const C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD = "abc"           '<<<< CHANGE
    Sub SaveStateAndHide()
    ' SaveStateAndHide
    ' This is called from Workbook_BeforeClose.
    ' This procedure saves the Visible propreties of all worksheets
    ' in the workbook. This will run only if macros are enabled. It
    ' saves the Visible properties as a colon-delimited string, each
    ' element of which is the Visible property of a sheet. In the
    ' property string, C_INTRO_SHEETNAME is set to xlSheetVeryHidden
    ' so that if the workbook is opened with macros enabled, that
    ' sheet will not be visible. If macros are not enabled, only
    ' that sheet will be visible.
        Dim S As String
        Dim ws As Object
        Dim N As Long
        ' Protection settings. We must be
        ' able to unprotect the workbook in
        ' order to modify the sheet visibility
        ' properties. We will restore the
        ' protection at the end of this procedure.
        Dim HasProtectWindows As Boolean
        Dim HasProtectStructure As Boolean
        ' Save the workbook's protection settings and
        ' attempt to unprotect the workbook.
        HasProtectWindows = ThisWorkbook.ProtectWindows
        HasProtectStructure = ThisWorkbook.ProtectStructure
        ThisWorkbook.Unprotect Password:=C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD
        ' Make the introduction sheet visible
        ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(C_INTRO_SHEETNAME).Visible = xlSheetVisible
        ' Delete the Name. Ignore error if it doesn't
        ' exist.
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
        For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
            ' Create a string of the sheet visibility
            ' properties, separated by ':' characters.
            ' Do not put a ':' after the last sheet. Always
            ' set the visible property of the Introduction
            ' sheet to xlSheetVeryHidden. Don't put a ':'
            ' after the last sheet visible property.
            S = S & IIf(StrComp(ws.Name, C_INTRO_SHEETNAME, vbTextCompare) = 0, _
                CStr(xlSheetVeryHidden), CStr(ws.Visible)) & _
                IIf(ws.Index = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count, "", ":")
            ' If WS is the intro sheet, make it visible,
            ' otherwise make it VeryHidden. This sets all
            ' sheets except C_INTRO_SHEETNAME to very
            ' hidden.
            If StrComp(ws.Name, C_INTRO_SHEETNAME, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible
                ws.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
            End If
        Next ws
        ' Save the property string in a defined name.
        ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=C_SHEETSTATE_NAME, RefersTo:=Chr(39) & S, Visible:=False
        ' Set the workbook protection back to what it was.
        ThisWorkbook.Protect C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD, _
            structure:=HasProtectStructure, Windows:=HasProtectWindows
    End Sub
    Sub UnHideSheets()
    ' UnHideSheets
    ' This is called by Workbook_Open to hide the introduction sheet
    ' and set all the other worksheets to their visible state that
    ' was stored when the workbook was last closed. The introduction
    ' sheet is set to xlSheetVeryHidden. This maro is executed only
    ' is macros are enabled. If the workbook is opened without
    ' macros enabled, only the introduction sheet will be visible.
    ' If an error occurs, make the intro sheet visible and get out.
        Dim S As String
        Dim N As Long
        Dim VisibleArr As Variant
        Dim HasProtectWindows As Boolean
        Dim HasProtectStructure As Boolean
        ' Save the workbook's protection settings and
        ' attempt to unprotect the workbook.
        HasProtectWindows = ThisWorkbook.ProtectWindows
        HasProtectStructure = ThisWorkbook.ProtectStructure
        ThisWorkbook.Unprotect Password:=C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
        ' Get the defined name that contains the sheet visible
        ' properties and clean up the string.
        S = ThisWorkbook.Names(C_SHEETSTATE_NAME).RefersTo
        S = Mid(S, 4, Len(S) - 4)
        ' Set VisibleArr to an array of the visible properties,
        ' one element per worksheet.
        If InStr(1, S, ":", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
            VisibleArr = Array(S)
            VisibleArr = Split(S, ":")
        End If
        ' Loop through the array and set the Visible propety
        ' for each sheet. If we're processing the C_INTRO_SHEETNAME
        ' sheet, make it Visible (since it may be the only
        ' visbile sheet). We'll hide it later after the
        ' loop.
        For N = LBound(VisibleArr) To UBound(VisibleArr)
            If StrComp(ThisWorkbook.Sheets(N - LBound(VisibleArr) + 1).Name, C_INTRO_SHEETNAME) = 0 Then
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets(C_INTRO_SHEETNAME).Visible = xlSheetVisible
                ThisWorkbook.Sheets(N - LBound(VisibleArr) + 1).Visible = CLng(VisibleArr(N))
            End If
        Next N
        ' Hide the INTRO sheet.
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets(C_INTRO_SHEETNAME).Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
        ' Set the workbook protection back to what it was.
        ThisWorkbook.Protect Password:=C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD, _
            structure:=HasProtectStructure, Windows:=HasProtectWindows
        Exit Sub
        ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(C_INTRO_SHEETNAME).Visible = xlSheetVisible
    End Sub

  4. #4
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    Re: hide all sheets when macro is disabled

    Sorry i was too fast i forgot to protect the sheet first, my bad! :-(

  5. #5
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: hide all sheets when macro is disabled

    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED. Thanks.

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