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Need MS Excel macro to convert multiple sheets of an excel file to single txt file

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  1. #1
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    Need MS Excel macro to convert multiple sheets of an excel file to single txt file

    We have a excel .xls data file having numerous sheets each containing maximum number of rows (65000). We want to generate a separate text or csv file to include data present in all the sheets together. The data in each sheet is of identical format. Could anyone help with a suitable macro code which can generate such file.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Tinbendr's Avatar
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    Re: Need MS Excel macro to convert multiple sheets of an excel file to single txt file

    Welcome to the board!

    Use this code on this page, but modify it like this. This will get all sheets.

    im Sh As Worksheet
    For Each Sh In mybook.Worksheets
        RDB_ExportToTextFile _
                            FName:=TextFileName, _
                            SheetIndex:=1, _
                            SheetName:=Sh.Name, _
                            CopyRange:="", _
                            FirstCell:="A2", _
                            Sep:=";", _
    (*) Reputation points appreciated.

  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2013

    Re: Need MS Excel macro to convert multiple sheets of an excel file to single txt file


    That's potentially a LOT of values getting written to the text file..

    How many columns in each sheet and how many sheets?

    The reason i ask is I tried for an array based solution.. but.. the time it will take to execute will depend on how many columns your sheets contain and how many sheets..

    You could try this.. it just might take a while depending on your answer to my questions above.. change the range used to suit..

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Dim sh As Worksheet, Z, x, xx, i As Long, ii As Long
        For Each sh In Sheets
            'Setup the range yor working with
            With sh.Range("A1:E" & sh.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
                'Populate initial array
                x = .Value
                'Loop through array and populate new array
                For i = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
                    For ii = LBound(x, 2) To UBound(x, 2)
                        If ii = UBound(x, 2) Then
                            xx = xx & vbCrLf
                            xx = xx & x(i, ii)
                        End If
                    Next ii
                Next i
            End With
        Next sh
        'Create text file and write new array to it
        With CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
            .CreateTextFile("D:\" & "Output" & ".txt").write xx
        End With
    End Sub

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