Hi Guys,

I've been tried and got stuck how to create time bombing to delete workbook while opening if the workbook have been expired based on set date.
I took this code from "http://www.cpearson.com/" and just little bit modified.
This condition also already set:
1. Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility 5.3.
2. Macro Settings and check the Trust access to the VBA project object model.

Below the code under module1.
Sub ExpirationCode()
Dim ExpirationDate As Date
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ExpirationDate = DateSerial(2014, 7, 16)
If Now() >= ExpirationDate Then
End If
End Sub
And the message came when debug run "compile error: argument not optional", block on the "Kill.FullName".
My aim is to delete the workbook open if the date is expired.
Thanks in advance and appreciate for any helps.

Best Regards,