Hi all,

I am very new to writing macros in Excel and have been trying to find some coding to do what I am thinking is a simple task.

I have a folder in another drive that contains all the families I work with at my job. When I get a new project, I get a list of equipment families (Revit) for the project and would like to search in my folder and all the subfolders within, using a column in Excel. The list starts on C5 and continues down.

I would like to copy the .rfa files to another folder that is created from a cell content in Excel. I other words, I would like the user to be able to type in a location and name in Excel and have the macro copy all the .rfa files to that location, creating the folder in the process.

I would truly appreciate any help on this I can get. This would really save me a lot of hours having to find each one manually.
