I have a range B18:B190 that can be populated from time to time either fully (ie all rows are used) or sometimes only B18:B100 for example are populated.
This works great but on occasion I notice that there are a few blank rows thrown into my range by colleagues of mine who insert/delete rows (which I do want them to be allowed to do) but I would like to have a macro I can run that gives me a messagebox telling me which rows in my range have blank rows.
I do not want the messagebox to tell me about the blank rows that exist after my last row of data though, as in the example above I dont want to know about rows 101-190 as they are meant to be blank...

as a more thorough example, let me say that there were populated rows of B18:B50, row 51 was blank, B52:B100 were populated, row 101 was blank and B102:B150 were populated and then B151to B190 were blank (as they are supposed to be as that is the end of the data) I would want a messagebox to say
"Blank rows in 51 and 101"

any ideas?