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Creating a Net Worth printable statement automatically from client data

  1. #1
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    Creating a Net Worth printable statement automatically from client data

    Hi all,

    We collect data from clients and then build a net worth statement in Excel. Usually, we just create the statement from scratch each time. I would prefer to be able to enter in the client data and then Excel automatically be able to generate the statement. For example, say for each row you have Name of Account, Owner, Balance & Type, with a drop down for Type to choose Taxable, IRA & Roth. Is there a way to automatically creating a templatized report breaking down total assets by type and owner? I am not sure where to start. If I need to send an example of the data collection and the desired output I can. Otherwise, if I can just pointed in the right direction I love to read and learn new stuff in Excel.



  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Creating a Net Worth printable statement automatically from client data

    Hello duvius,

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  3. #3
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    Re: Creating a Net Worth printable statement automatically from client data


    Here is a example of what we usually do and how I prefer to generate a "report" from data entered by myself or potentially the client.

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Creating a Net Worth printable statement automatically from client data

    Hello duvius,

    Thanks for posting the workbook. I apologise for the delay in responding. My computer became infected and it took some time to clean it up. I will keep you posted.

  5. #5
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    Re: Creating a Net Worth printable statement automatically from client data


    No worries. I appreciate any help you can offer. This site is great. You all have such great patience putting up with us newbies! =)

    I actually just marked this as solve b/c i thought it may be easier another way, but now I am not so sure. I put a link to my other thread that is open. Let me know if the link works. I wasn't sure how else to include it. The end goal is still to create a net worth similar to the one I uploaded. In my head I see 2 ways to accomplish it:
    1. Collect all the data in a sheet and have something that builds a template report from that data (the old thread)
    2. Or have the Networth built itself as new client data is entered (the new thread)

    Is there another way? Any thoughts?


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