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The Sort Reference Is Not Valid

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  1. #1
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    The Sort Reference Is Not Valid

    I have a tab with four different sets of similar data. Each pasted from a pivot table with a different item in filter selected. I need to sort each column desc, which is why i can't leave it in the pivot. I have four sets of similar code, only the starting point of the data sets changes. When running the macro, the first data set sorts perfectly. But when i get to the apply step in the second set of code, it tells me "Run time error 1004- The sort reference is not valid. Make sure that it's within the data you want to sort, and the first Sort By Box isn't the same or blank."

    Below are the first two sets of code
    sub test()
    first_start = 8
    second_start = 15
    'Sort First
        Set lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, ConvertToLetter(Val(first_start))).End(xlUp)
        Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(first_start)) & "4").Select
        Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(first_start)) & lastrow.Row & ":" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column) & lastrow.Row).Insert
    'account for column label
        num = 1
        Dim test As String
        Dim test2 As String
        Dim test3 As String
        Dim test4 As String
        test = ConvertToLetter(first_start + num) & "5:" & ConvertToLetter(first_start + num) & lastrow.Row - 1
        For Each risk In Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(first_start)) & "4:" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column - 1) & "4")
            ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
            ConvertToLetter(first_start + num) & "5:" & ConvertToLetter(first_start + num) & lastrow.Row - 1), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _
            num = num + 1
        Next risk
        test2 = ConvertToLetter(Val(first_start)) & "4:" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column) & lastrow.Row - 1
        With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Sort
            .SetRange Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(first_start)) & "4:" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column) & lastrow.Row - 1)
            .Header = xlYes
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
        Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(first_start)) & lastrow.Row - 1 & ":" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column) & lastrow.Row - 1).Delete
    'Sort Second
        Set lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, ConvertToLetter(Val(second_start))).End(xlUp)
        Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(second_start)) & "4").Select
        Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(second_start)) & lastrow.Row & ":" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column) & lastrow.Row).Insert
    'account for column label
        num = 1
        test3 = ConvertToLetter(second_start + num) & "5:" & ConvertToLetter(second_start + num) & lastrow.Row - 1
        For Each risk In Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(second_start)) & "4:" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column - 1) & "4")
            ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
            ConvertToLetter(second_start + num) & "5:" & ConvertToLetter(second_start + num) & lastrow.Row - 1), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _
            num = num + 1
        Next risk
        test4 = ConvertToLetter(Val(second_start)) & "4:" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column) & lastrow.Row - 1
        With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Sort
            .SetRange Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(second_start)) & "4:" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column) & lastrow.Row - 1)
            .Header = xlYes
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
        Range(ConvertToLetter(Val(second_start)) & lastrow.Row - 1 & ":" & ConvertToLetter(ActiveCell.Column) & lastrow.Row - 1).Delete
    end sub
    Function ConvertToLetter(iCol As Integer) As String
       Dim iAlpha As Integer
       Dim iRemainder As Integer
       iAlpha = Int(iCol / 27)
       iRemainder = iCol - (iAlpha * 26)
       If iAlpha > 0 Then
          ConvertToLetter = Chr(iAlpha + 64)
       End If
       If iRemainder > 0 Then
          ConvertToLetter = ConvertToLetter & Chr(iRemainder + 64)
       End If
    End Function
    I can’t for the life of me figure out why I’m getting that error. I threw in those test-test4 variables to help me, but as far as i can tell the outputs are what they should be. IE test matches test3 and test2 matches test4. The ending rows and starting columns are different, but looking at the data they match.


    Any assistance would be appreciated.
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  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor natefarm's Avatar
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    Re: The Sort Reference Is Not Valid

    No offense, I hope, but I found the code to be unnecessarily complex and confusing (especially with all the unneeded ConvertToLetter function calls, to the point where it was easier to just rewrite it rather than decipher it. Give this a try. It will work for any number of data sets (as long as they all start on the same row) and any number of columns within each set:

    Option Explicit
    Sub SortData()
    Dim EndRw As Long, BegCol As Long, EndCol As Long, CurCol As Long
    Const BegRw = 5
        If Cells(BegRw - 1, 1).Value = "" Then
            BegCol = Cells(BegRw - 1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
            BegCol = 1
        End If
        Do Until BegCol > 100
            EndCol = Cells(BegRw - 1, BegCol).End(xlToRight).Column
            EndRw = Cells(BegRw, BegCol).End(xlDown).Row - 1
            With ActiveSheet.Sort
                For CurCol = BegCol + 1 To EndCol - 1
                    .SortFields.Add Key:=Cells(BegRw, CurCol), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
                .SetRange Range(Cells(BegRw, BegCol), Cells(EndRw, EndCol))
                .Header = xlNo
                .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            End With
            BegCol = Cells(BegRw - 1, EndCol).End(xlToRight).Column
    End Sub
    Acts 4:12
    Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.

  3. #3
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    Re: The Sort Reference Is Not Valid

    Wow that's so much more elegant than what I was trying. Worked like a charm. If you're ever in Birmingham, AL, I owe you a beer!!! Thanks so much.

  4. #4
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    Re: The Sort Reference Is Not Valid

    Oh, no offense taken. There's always a better way. I appreciate the rework. I'll take a look and see how it goes.

    Thanks again.

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