I am trying to analyse and sort a couple of arrays of data but I can't get one piece of the formula to work out, so any help you could offer would be greater appreciated.

Basically I have a 3 columns of data. Column A is a list of each data point name and ranges from xx0001 to xx6000. Column B contains 100 random entries that correspond to the data names in column A but they are unordered. Column C then contains values that correspond to the data point names in column B. What I want to do is arrange the data in column B and C so that it is in the same order as column A. So for example data point name ( Column B) and data point value ( Column C) for the 100 values would be matched to the corresponding data point names in column A. I have managed to align the data point names in column A and B using the following =IF(ISNA(MATCH(A51,$B$2:$B$353,0)),"",INDEX($A$2:$B$353,MATCH(A51,$B$2:$B$353,0),2)) but cannot get the data values in column C to match also.

Any help with this would be much appreciated