I know there has to be a simple resolution to my problem. Right now I am having to use a chunk of my code multiple times in my macro in order for it to edit all the sheets I need it to edit. I know there has to be a way to get it to work on the sheet array but I have yet to figure it out. I have the sheet array in the code with .select before the editing code but it still does not work. This is just a small portion of my code. Thanks in advance!
Sheets(Array("Lawton", "Sherman", "Des Monies", "Cedar Rapids")).Select
    Range("A1:C1").Insert shift:=xlToRight
    Range("E1").Insert shift:=xlToRight
    Range("F3") = "Order Type"
    Range("K3") = "Account"
    Range("A3:AN3").MergeCells = False
    Range("G3").Copy Destination:=Range("H3")
    Range("AC3").Copy Destination:=Range("AD3")
    Columns("X:X").Copy Destination:=Range("W:W")
    Range("A:C,E:E,G:G,I:J,M:O,Q:Q,S:V,Z:Z,AC:AC,AE:AF,AI:AJ,AM:AN").Delete shift:=xlToLeft