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Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

  1. #1
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    Question Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    I am trying to build a dynamic ribbon in Excel 2007. I can find lots of examples on the web of ribbon buttons that change image when the button is pressed (essentially they toggle). However, I want to change the button based on the contents of a particular workbook. I already have a function that checks anytime a workbook is activated to see if that workbook is of what we will call "SpecialType".

    It looks something like:

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    My ribbon code looks something like:
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    I have followed the directions for changing labels (close enough) on several websites: http://www.rondebruin.nl/win/s2/win009.htm or http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/word_tip_p...bbon_main.html
    The problem is they all initiate the image change by something else in the ribbon and so cleanly pass the ribbon id around. I need to initiate by my xlApp_WorkbookActivate and then set the image in the ribbon.

    They (and I here) have a GetImage function that requires the IRibbonControl, and since I haven't pressed a button on the ribbon, I don't have it! (I think...)
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    Basically, I have all the pieces from these other websites, but since my application is slightly different, I can't figure out how to tie the pieces together!

    This guy ALMOST solved it for me in Question 3 on http://excelusergroup.org/blogs/nick...he-ribbon.aspx
    Unfortunately, he only sets the image initially. He was asked in the 5th comment how to update the ribbon when a change occurred, but he didn't answer. If someone could even answer the question the way it was asked in that blog, I could probably figure out how to apply it to my need!


  2. #2
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    Anyone? This should be easy! For anyone but me...
    Last edited by diakonos1984; 11-07-2014 at 09:24 AM.

  3. #3
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    You have used the onLoad method in the xml (ribbonLoaded), so within that VBA event routine you can store a reference to the ribbon object.

    The in the code xlApp_WorkbookActivate if correct workbook you can use the Invalidate method to update the ribbon.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    Your workbookactivate event can use the stored Ribbon object from your onLoad callback to invalidate the control in question. Your GetImage callback should then simply return whichever image is appropriate.
    Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.

  5. #5
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    Thanks, guys! So my RibbonLoaded sub looks like this:
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    If I modify my xlApp_WorkbookActivate sub
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    I get the Run-time error '91': Object variable of With block variable not set on the myRibbon.Invalidate line.

    I'm thinking some of this may have to to with where these subs live?
    xlApp_WorkbookActivate is in a separate Class module.
    RibbonLoaded and GetImage are in a standard module.
    All of it is in an .xlam add-in.

    Thanks again for your help!

  6. #6
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    Try reopening the workbook. Changing the code will have reset the myRibbon variable. (see here: http://www.rondebruin.nl/win/s2/win015.htm)

  7. #7
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    I shut Excel down entirely and reopened it. On opening the blank Book1 automatically (as Excel always does on program start) I got the Run-time error '91': Object variable of With block variable not set on the myRibbon.Invalidate line. My immediate window does NOT show the "Ribbon Loaded" from my Debug.Print command in the RibbonLoaded sub.

    Is it possible that the xlApp_WorkbookActivate sub is running before the RibbonLoaded sub? How do I get it to wait?

  8. #8
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    No because the add-in should be loading the ribbon and that will occur before Book1 is opened. Can you zip and post the add-in for testing?

  9. #9
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    All right, here it is. You will quickly notice that I had sanitized my code in earlier posts.

    This is a tool for creating specialized reports from Quickbooks (our accounting software).

    When you install the add-in, you will have a new ribbon called "Quickbooks Tools". In the first group are 6 buttons. The top left button is the one I am working with. If the active workbook is a "Cost-to-Date" sheet (like the template spreadsheet included in the zip file) then the button should display a checkmark. If the the active workbook is NOT a "Cost-to-Date" sheet (qbfCostToDateTest is the sub that performs this test), then the button should display a "1".

    I haven't played with the rest of the add-in in a long time, so I am not sure how much else of it works.

    Thanks for your help!

    Add-in for troubleshooting.zip

  10. #10
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    OK - change the Workbook_Open code to:
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    then add this routine to the GUI module:
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    and it should be fine.

  11. #11
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    Hmmmm... I tried adding as you said, still get the same error. So it actually worked on your end?!?!

    A couple things I found, may help...

    I already had a routine similar to your Sub Startup in ThisWorkbook. It looks like this:
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    I threw yours in too, and also one with the syntax already generated in my Class1 module:
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    I added some more Debug.Prints throughout so I could see what is actually happening. When I close down Excel, and re-open it, I immediately get the same Run-time error '91': Object variable of With block variable not set on the myRibbon.Invalidate line.
    When I look in the immediate window, I see:
    Workbook_Open sub from ThisWorkbook is running
    xlApp_WorkbookOpen sub from Class1 is running
    Workbook_Open sub from ThisWorkbook is running
    xlApp_WorkbookOpen sub from Class1 is running
    xlApp_WorkbookOpen sub from Class1 is running
    Book1 Cost-To-Date test = False
    Book1 Cost-To-Date test = False
    This tells me that my pre-existing Workbook_Open sub gets run. The one I added to my Class1 module with syntax generated by the modeul gets run, but your Workbook_Open sub doesn't. Apparently neither one actually calls the GUI.Startup routine, because I never see "Set" in the immediate window.

    Do I need to get rid of some of my similar subs? Is the computer getting confused and running mine instead of yours?

    Any ideas?

  12. #12
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    I thought it might be worth describing EXACTLY what is going on when Excel is started:

    1) Run-time error '91': Object variable of With block variable not set
    1a) I can see that no custom ribbons are loaded, and the default values in some of the built-in ribbons are blank. Eg, font type and size are blank, styles gallery is empty.
    1b) I can see that a workbook (Book1) is loaded and apparently active.

    2) I click debug on the error popup. The VBA window pops up and immediately gives me a message box "Can't execute in break mode"
    2a) The styles gallery has progress indicators
    2b) One of my other add-in ribbons is listed in the ribbon bar
    2c) The immediate window shows
    Workbook_Open sub from ThisWorkbook is running
    Workbook_Open sub from ThisWorkbook is running
    Book1 Cost-To-Date test = False
    Book1 Cost-To-Date test = False
    3) I click OK on the message box. The VBA window immediately gives me an other message box "Can't execute in break mode".
    3a) Nothing in the UI or immediate window has changed.

    4) I click OK on the message box.
    4a) Now my code shows in break mode with the yellow arrow at the myRibbon.Invalidate line where it always has this error.
    4b) My add-in ribbon now shows up in ribbon bar.

    5) I click on my ribbon. The VBA window immediately gives me an other message box "Can't execute in break mode".
    5a) No changes show up in the UI or the immediate window.

    6) I click OK on the message box.
    6a) My ribbon shows up and we are still in break mode, now just waiting.

    Does that not perhaps look like it's trying to call the ribbon before it is ready?

  13. #13
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    I think you misunderstood. This:
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    replaces the Workbook_Open code you have in the ThisWorkbook module of your add-in. It should not be turned into xlApp_WorkbookOpen.

  14. #14
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    Re: Ribbon Change based on Non-Ribbon Object

    Oh yeah! That's fantastic! You cleared it all up for me... now if only I understood WHY that works. Location of these subs and their significance is presently over my head.

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