Hi folks,

Could anyone help me here with some VB scripting, I have a table and in the first column is a list of URL's from the same website,
Here is one of the links: http://www.customworks.co.uk/item/Br..._0_3624_0.html

In column B I would like to pull the category "Magnets" (Found as a link right below the price),
In column C I would like to pull the sub-category "Dandy" (Found as text below the product name),
In column D I would like to pull the product name "I'll catch them mister" (Found at the top of the information area,
In Column E I would like to pull the URL of the image "http://www.customworks.co.uk/shop/images/products/large/1380190441DandySQ4.jpg" for this page.

Thanks for your time folks!