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Add/Remove PivotField upon ListBox Selection

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  1. #1
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    Add/Remove PivotField upon ListBox Selection

    I wrote some code for a ListBox that aims at adding/removing corresponding PivotFields that are clicked within a ListBox. For example, when VOL 1 is selected in the ListBox, I want my PivotTable to add the VOL 1 PivotField item. If VOL 1 is deselected in the ListBox, I want my PivotTable to remove the VOL 1 PivotField item. VOL 1 is ListBox count item '0' and I will add additional ListBox items after I can get one to work. Here's my code:

    Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
    Dim i As Long
    With ListBox1
    For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
    If .Selected(0) Then
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
            "PivotTable2").PivotFields("VOL 1"), "Count of VOL 1", xlCount
        With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Count of VOL 1")
            .Caption = "Sum of VOL 1"
            .Function = xlSum
            .NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
        End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Sum of VOL 1").Orientation _
            = xlHidden
    End If
    Next i
    End With
    End Sub
    I get the following errors:
    Upon ListBox item selection: PivotTable field name already exists
    Upon ListBox item deselection: Unable to get the PivoFields property of the PivotTable class

    I'm sure this isn't a very difficult proplem to solve, but I have been unable to figure it out! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Add/Remove PivotField upon ListBox Selection

    Why add it as a Count and then switch it to Sum?
    Dim PT as PivotTable
    Set PT = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2")
    If .Selected(0) Then
        PT.AddDataField PT.PivotFields("VOL 1"), "Sum of VOL 1", xlSum
        PT.PivotFields("Sum of VOL 1").NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
       PT.PivotFields("Sum of VOL 1").Orientation = xlHidden
    End If
    for example.
    End With

    End Sub
    Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.

  3. #3
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    Re: Add/Remove PivotField upon ListBox Selection

    No reason for having count and then switching to sum. The macro recorder just recorded the code like that.

    I used your code and am still getting some errors, but if the errors weren't there the function would perform fine as it looks like the code is adding and removing the data.

    Sub ListBox1_Change()
    Dim PT As PivotTable
    Set PT = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2")
    Dim i As Long
    With ListBox1
    For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
    If .Selected(0) Then
    PT.AddDataField PT.PivotFields("VOL 1"), "Sum of VOL 1", xlSum
        PT.PivotFields("Sum of VOL 1").NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
    PT.PivotFields("Sum of VOL 1").Orientation = xlHidden
    End If
    Next i
    End With
    End Sub
    I get the following errors:
    Upon ListBox item selection: Application-defined or object defined error
    Upon ListBox item deselection: Unable to get the PivoFields property of the PivotTable class

  4. #4
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Add/Remove PivotField upon ListBox Selection

    Can you post a workbook?

  5. #5
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    Re: Add/Remove PivotField upon ListBox Selection

    Hey romper, I really appreciate your help!! One thing I noticed with the listbox macro: as additional listbox items are selected, the code runs slower and slower (it takes longer and longer for the pivotfields to be displayed). This seems to only be happening with the items that require number format.

    Any ideas on what's slowing it down so much?

  6. #6
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    Re: Add/Remove PivotField upon ListBox Selection

    Hey romperstomper, I ended up using your code and adding the following line: On Error Resume Next. This fixed the issues with the debut window popping up. Everything is working fine now! Thanks again for your help.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Add/Remove PivotField upon ListBox Selection

    Probably better to add:
    PT.ManualUpdate = True
    ' all the code that manipulates the pivot goes here
    PT.Manualupdate = false

  8. #8
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    Re: Add/Remove PivotField upon ListBox Selection

    Wow, that's perfect! You are the man!

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