Hi All, I had a thread on here a couple of weeks ago which a member was helping me with but he is no longer able to help me due to other commitments.

This is the thread was "Search Multiple Worksheets using a User form and display in list box."

I have tried myself to complete the code for the "search engine" tool but I don't have enough experience or knowledge to complete.

What I’m trying to create is a user form that allows me to search through a sheets which is selected using a combo-box, and then a column is selected again using a combo-box, then the user can search for a phrase in a text box. This will then display the rows which match the “phrase” in a list box.

The thought is that once the correct line is found, there will be a command button which will copy that row or multiple rows to a worksheet named “Order Rec”

There will also be list box in the user form which displays all the information in the worksheet “order rec” and if a row has been inputted by mistake you can remove a row using another command button…

I have attached my worksheet with the user-form built with some code but it’s far from finished, the workbook i have uploaded is a condensed version of my actual product because it wont let me upload as its bigger than 1mb.

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. LV SWITCHGEAR - Development Copy.xlsm