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Hide/show columns if checkbox (UserForm) is TRUE

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  1. #1
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    Hide/show columns if checkbox (UserForm) is TRUE

    Hi everybody,

    I'm newcomer into the field of VBA programming and I'm currently trying to figure out this task (for most of you probably easy to solve):

    1. load UserForm with 12 checkboxes when one can check criteria he wants
    2. macro should then, based on the user's option, hide/show all relevant columns containing detailed information.

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
           For x = 1 To 12
            CheckboxX = "CheckBox" & x
                y = 6 + x
                ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Zamėstnanec 1").Activate
                If CheckboxX = True Then
                    Columns(y).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                    Columns(y).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
                End If
       Unload UserForm1
    End Sub
    When I run the macro, it works without breaking down, but it always hide all of the columns. Could you please help me out with it?

    Thank you so much for help!
    Last edited by lukelucky; 12-15-2014 at 06:09 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Hide/show columns if checkbox (UserForm) is TRUE

    Can you upload your workbook?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Hide/show columns if checkbox (UserForm) is TRUE

    thanks for your response!

    I'm adding the file where all the classified data have been removed. The main idea about this macro is:

    1. User clicks the button and selects the items
    2. Based on the selection, only relevant columns remain on unhidded.

    Thanks for any suggestion!

    Excel_forum, 15 12 2014 FL.xlsm

  4. #4
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    Re: Hide/show columns if checkbox (UserForm) is TRUE

    You werent actually checking the value of the checkboxes, the following line:
    CheckboxX = "CheckBox" & x
    simply created a variable and populated it with "Checkbox1", "Checkbox2" etc which never equals True.

    You need to cycle through the controls in the form and action accordingly.

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim cCont As Control
        For Each cCont In Me.Controls 'cycle through all elements on the form allocating each in turn to the object "cCont"
            If (Left(cCont.Name, 5) = "Check") Then 'check if name of object begins with "Check", if so its a checkbox
                y = Int(Right(cCont.Name, Len(cCont.Name) - 8)) + 6 'strip off the word "Checkbox" to leave the number
                    If (cCont.Value = True) Then ' check if its value is True
                        Columns(y).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                        Columns(y).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
                    End If
            End If
        Next cCont
    Unload UserForm1
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Hide/show columns if checkbox (UserForm) is TRUE

    Thank you pjwhitfield, that was exactly what I needed! Works perfectly!

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