Hello and merry Christmas.

I have a template which with a lot of help on from members which saves a spreadsheet with the next sequential number (by adding a number to the relevant square in the template file). This worked great until I made some changes to it! Everything still works as I need it to except it doesn't seem to update the template number therefore every time I run the template it gives the next file the same number. I cannot figure out why this so any help would be gratfully accepted!



Sub ReNameFile()

Const wsINV As String = "Imput Sheet"
Dim newFile As String, fName As String
Dim wbook As Workbook
Dim Today As Date
Dim NewVal As Long
Dim Template As String
Dim dt As String, wbNam As String, FileName As String
    With ActiveWorkbook
        If Range("AA1") = "" Then      'the doublecheck cell
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Template = "C:\Users\Mick\Documents\Custom Office Templates\New Estimate Template.xltm" 'reopen the template
            Workbooks.Open Template
                With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(wsINV)    'update the template's current inv number
                    .Range("J2").Value = .Range("J2").Value + 1
                NewVal = .Range("J2").Value + 1       'remember the new number
                 ActiveWorkbook.Save  'close the template, save changes
                Application.ScreenUpdating = True
                Application.EnableEvents = True
             End With
        End If
        With Sheets("Imput Sheet")
        Range("J2").Value = NewVal             'put new number into current workbook
        Range("AA1") = "Incremented"           'flag the doublecheck cell
        If .Range("C3") = "" Then _
        .Range("C3").Value = InputBox("Please enter a client name")
        If .Range("J4") = "" Then _
        .Range("J4").Value = Date
        End With
        wbNam = Range("A24")
        dt = Format(CStr(Now), "dd_mm_yy")
        ChDir _
            "C:\Users\Mick\Dropbox\SPSL Shared\Estimates 2014\"
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=wbNam & " " & dt, FileFormat:=(52)
      End With
      End Sub