Hey folks - I currently have code written for a search box. Unfortunately, it requires the exact string to be inputted in order for a row to be populated. In an ID, there could be "ID_AB_24" or "ID1_AB_32" or "AB_24". I would want for people to be able to simply type in AB_24 or AB_32 and still have it populated. Is there a way to do this? It's currently case-insensitive, and I'd like it to stay that way.


'Search function
FindString = UCase(InputBox("Enter a Search value. If your original search does not work (i.e. AB_24) try another search (i.e. ab24 or ab024). Please wait a few seconds as the search takes time."))
    If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then

        'Set iterator
        Dim i As Integer
        i = 2
        'Loop over all items in column A
        For Each Cell In MasterColumn
            If UCase(CStr(Cell.Value)) = FindString Or UCase(CStr(Cell.Offset(0, BPOColumnIndex - 1).Value)) = FindString Or UCase(CStr(Cell.Offset(0, TestingColumnIndex - 1).Value)) = FindString Then
                Matched = False