what im trying to get happen in this code is after it copys the value into cell H13 in each workbook I want it to lock the sheet "measurements" in each workbook..
but then it must unlock then the code is run again
   MyNum = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Measurements").Range("H13").value
On Error Resume Next
For Each MyWb In Array("eqdcs 1.xlsm", "eqdcs 2.xlsm", "eqdcs 3.xlsm", "eqdcs 4.xlsm", "eqdcs 5.xlsm", "eqdcs 6.xlsm")
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set wbOPEN = Workbooks(MyWb)
    If Not wbOPEN Is Nothing Then
        WasOpen = True
        Set wbOPEN = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & MyWb)
    End If
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Measurements").Unprotect Password:="password"
    wbOPEN.Sheets("measurements").Range("H13").value = MyNum
    If WasOpen Then
    wbOPEN.Protect Password:="password"
    Else: wbOPEN.Close True
     Set wbOPEN = Nothing
    WasOpen = False
     End If
        Next MyWb