So I have a piece of code from a macro that works perfectly in another workbook.
Now I copied that code in my new workbook but the outcome is not as in the original workbook.

This is the code:
    'Remove LC amount column AB when currency is EUR
For k = 2 To lprow3
If Sheet7.Range("E" & k).Value = "EUR" Then Sheet7.Range("AB" & k).ClearContents
Next k
Now in the original it indeed cleared the contents. Totally empty.

However in the new book it cleares the contents but it shows a 0 (zero)....not what i want.
Also try in the settings to uncheck "show 0 when value is zero".
Indeed the cell looks empty but when you select the cell you still see the 0.....

As said in the original workbook this was not the case. Totally empty also when the cell was selected.

Anybody know what is going on?