
Please could you be so kind and assist on a macro that I'm trying to create.

I have a SS named "Sheet1" with 27 columns (when creating a download the rows will vary) but the columns will remain constant.

I wish to copy columns "A", "G", and "k - X" and place them in a new SS "sheet2".
I also wish to copy the first 2 title rows

4 of the columns I'd like to create the following formulas examples that will remain constant through the pasted columns on sheet 2

Forumla 1 - B15 & B16 (date range ie May 15 - Dec 20)
Forumla 2 - B17 & B18 (date range ie May 15 - Dec 20)
Formula 3 - IF formula
Formula 4 - IF Formula

Thats pretty much it for now. Hope this makes sense

Thanks in advance
