
I am not married to any solution, so I will explain what I am trying to accomplish and what I currently have (which is not much). I am creating a form for vendors to fill out. In a previous userform the vendor will input item information. The number of items is variable and will change each time a new form is created.

In this screen I need for the vendor to be able to see and select each of the items with a checkbox. Then if an item is checked I need a textbox to appear next to it for them to input the number of the selected items needed.

All I have currently is code to make the list appear in the listbox:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim item As Integer

item = Worksheets("background").Range("D2").Value

    With Me.ListBox1
        .ListStyle = fmListStyleOption
        .MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti
        For r = 5 To item
            .AddItem Cells(r - 1, 6).Value
    End With
End Sub
Any help would be greatly appreciated.