I'm trying to set a selected portion of the TotalsRowRange to sum from column 6 to the last column.

This is the recorded code which uses the column headings which does the job, however these names will change and so will the table's size:
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects("projtbl").ListColumns("5-Jan-15").TotalsCalculation = _
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range( _
        "projtbl[[#Totals],[5-Jan-15]:[4-Jan-16]]"), Type:=xlFillDefault
I wish to do this using the Cells property where I can claculate what the last row and column will be but can't get it to work.

I've got the correct count of lrow (9) and lastcol (58) and have tried and failed with the following:
lastcol = dws.ListObjects("projtbl").Range.Columns.Count  
lrow = lst.TotalsRowRange.Row
lst.ListColumns(6).TotalsCalculation = _
        xlTotalsCalculationSum ''''''''sets the totalsrow in column 6 to sum and works correctly in G9
'''''''set destination range
    Set r = Range(Cells(lrow, 8), Cells(lrow, lastcol)) ''' this is $H$9:$BF$9
''''''''Autofill src to dest
    ActiveSheet.Cells(lrow, 7).AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(lrow, 8), Cells(lrow, lastcol)), Type:=xlFillDefault

    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(lrow, 7)).AutoFill Destination:=r, Type:=xlFillDefault
So the addresses for source cell is correct and the destination autofill range is correct, however it doesn't seem to do anything.

What's missing?