
I've written a macro to identify bulleted lists and then remove said bullet. However, every time the value of the bullet is deleted a line of random symbols are left behind.

The bulleted list needed to be trimmed:

This is the value the bullet is given within excel:

Notice the bullet is given a value of r.

In my VBA Macro I search for a value of r and then trim accordingly.

Here is my code:

Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim Bullet As String
Dim Cel As Range
Dim Str As String
Dim i As Long

Bullet = "r"

For Each Cel In Selection
    Str = Cel.Value
    If Left(Str, Len(Bullet)) = Bullet Then
        Str = Trim(Cel.Value)
        i = Len(Str) - 1
        If i >= 0 Then
            Cel.Value = Trim(Right(Str, i))
            End If
    End If
Next Cel

End Sub
I've stepped through the code and it seems to locate the value correctly, but when it trims it leaves behind a weird set of symbols.

The weird set of symbols:

Any idea what is happening here?
