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Could this really work or is this make-believe

  1. #1
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    Could this really work or is this make-believe

    For the past year I’ve been saving some really great VBA scrips that people have helped me put together.

    Now that I’ve saved all these wonderful VBA scrips in folders as .txt files

    I’m wondering if someone has been able to put together a macro that can be called from either a excel, access, outlook, or Power Point and run the VBA script. If anyone has come close or has been able to do this could you show me where to find this magical script?

    If I can click one button that asked me what macro or script I would like to run would be the best Macro or VBA scrips I have found,

  2. #2
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: Could this really work or is this make-believe

    Your title should give some insight as to your question. Even reading your post, I am unclear on your question--you mean a macro that will work from any application? It all depends on what you want that macro to do. It is certainly possible. Please revise your title then we can discuss further.

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