
so i have a VBA macro which does want I want it to do with one small issue.

On Sheet1 i have column A populated with the name of 20 or so standard sheet names, which are present on the workbook, but all just hidden, what the macro will do is look at this list in column A and unhide the ones in the list, so if I was to remove values from this list the macro does still work.

However If i was to add to this list, it would fail because the new values do not have a corresponding sheet yet. Is there a way for the macro to run and ignore the values which dont have a corresponding hidden sheet?

This is my vba script (i start looking at row 4 in column A)

Option Explicit

Sub Generate_Sheets()
Call Reveal_Them
End Sub

Private Sub Reveal_Them()
Dim i&
i = 4
Do While Cells(i, 1).Value <> ""
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Cells(i, 1).Value).Visible = True
i = i + 1
End Sub

Thank you in advance