
I'm trying to find the column number of a named range (which has been defined previously in my code).

Function findReportNamedRange(reportColCount As Integer) As Integer                                    '6
    Dim reportSheet As Worksheet
    Dim reportCol As Integer
    Dim namedRange As Name

    Set reportSheet = Sheets("Report")
        For reportCol = reportColCount - 1 To 1 Step -1
            Debug.Print reportCol                                                                                                        '5
            For Each namedRange In ThisWorkbook.Names
                Debug.Print namedRange                                                                                               'prints _xlfn.IFERROR
                If Not Intersect(reportSheet.Cells(3, reportCol), namedRange.RefersToRange) Is Nothing Then
                    findReportNamedRange = reportCol
                    Debug.Print findReportNamedRange                                                                              'should be 1 but doesn't print
                    Exit For
                    Exit For
                End If
        Next reportCol

End Function
Am I missing something obvious here ?
