Hi there,
I've been tasked with a problem in generating dollars amounts per business quarter.

Q1 = Apri1 1, 2014 - June 30, 2014
Q2 = July 1, 2014 - Sept 30, 2014
Q3 = Oct 1, 2014 - Dec 31, 2014
Q4 = Jan 1, 2015 - March 31, 2015

We have 5 employees that have started and finished in various quarters and many will run from, say, Mid Q2 to Mid Q4.

Excel has a function called NETWORKDAYS which does a calculation for the specific workdays and I know that, for this example, each employee is paid $100.00 per day.

I need to create an Excel work sheet which displays

Employee Name, Q1 dollar amount paid, Q2 dollar amount paid, Q3 dollar amount paid, Q4 dollar amount paid,

I'm having a tough time trying to break this down into pieces and I think that I have all the correct criteria.

Any help would be great.
