I am trying to compare a list of offline values in one worksheet, and to find those vlaues in another worksheet. I was wondering why i get "type mismatch" in the line that is "If OffValue = NonList.Range("A4", "K110").Value Then". I am trying to compare the offline values in the offline sheet to the other sheets. i want to select the range to compare. is there a better way? if the values are found on the list after comparing i want to delete them as well

Sub RemoveOffine()
Dim List1 As Worksheet
Dim NonList As Worksheet
Dim YesList As Worksheet
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim OffValue As String

Set List1 = Worksheets("Offline")
Set NonList = Worksheets("Non Product")
Set YesList = Worksheets("Product")

i = 1
j = 1
While List1.Cells(i, j) <> ""
    OffValue = List1.Cells(i, j)

    If OffValue = NonList.Range("A4", "K110").Value Then
        Delete.List1.Cells(i, j) = OffValue
    End If
    i = i + 1
    j = j + 1

End Sub