I have an Excel spreadsheet that I want to use to record employees Clock In and Clock Out Times. It has to be on Excel 2003, therefore extension .xls
I知 able to write most of the macro, but I知 having trouble with the first few lines of code. How can I get Excel to find the cell that contains i.e. 7/27/2015? Column A contains every day for the year 2015 for each sheet for each employee. Then copy the cells 9 columns to the right and 7 rows down on sheet 1 then paste that block in to sheet 5 at A5:I11. Move to sheet 2 and find the cell that is contains 7/27/2015 then copy the cells 9 columns to the right and 7 rows down on sheet 1 then paste that block in to sheet 5 at A13:I19. Once Exel copies the range I want, I知 able to write the code going forward, but I知 not sure how to find the cells that contains the date I want.
Thank you,