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Use VBA to add file names, file sizes and images (if jpg or png) to cells and re-size

  1. #1
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    Use VBA to add file names, file sizes and images (if jpg or png) to cells and re-size

    I have a folder with a set of files (pdf, png, jpg and ppt).

    What I would like to do is use VBA to do the following:
    - user browses to select target folder
    - selects a button
    - for each pdf, png, jpg and ppt file in the folder
    - in column A displays file name (e.g. picture1.jpg or bestplaces.pdf)
    - in column B displays file type (e.g. jpg, pdf)
    - in column C displays image if file type = jpg or png
    - and the cell that contains an image automatically resizes to fit the width/height of the image (would be great if it could set a specific cell height and resizes the image to fit accordingly and the width is variable dependent on the aspect ratio of the image)
    - in column D displays the file size

    I have found snippets of code from different threads that accomplish a small portion of this goal but I can't seem to combine them in a way that makes it all work. I'm hoping that someone can help me because I think this would be a nice solution that's extensible for others to use for different purposes.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by dklein11; 07-28-2015 at 11:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Use VBA to add file names, file sizes and images (if jpg or png) to cells and re-size

    Hello dklein11,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    I have constructed 2 macros One to list the files, types, size, and dimensions. The other is to provide you with a list of available file details and the index number of each. I have included this in case the information returned is not correct. When Windows changed from XP to 2007, some of these indices were changed and new ones were added.

    You can change the folder path and the where the output will go in the first macro. They are marked in blue.

    Macro to List JPG, PDF, PNG, and PPT Files
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    Macro to List Index Numbers and Detail Descriptions
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    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
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    Re: Use VBA to add file names, file sizes and images (if jpg or png) to cells and re-size

    Thank you!! I'll try this tonight.

  4. #4
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    Re: Use VBA to add file names, file sizes and images (if jpg or png) to cells and re-size

    Thanks again.

    This is great. But it seems to be missing the image.

    It would be great for each file in the folder that is a picture, to insert the picture in column E, set the row height to 80 and set the image height to 70.

    Is this possible in VBA?

  5. #5
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    Re: Use VBA to add file names, file sizes and images (if jpg or png) to cells and re-size

    Hi -

    You can play around with this to show the image in the cell. just add a condition on your code if it is an image.

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  6. #6
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    Re: Use VBA to add file names, file sizes and images (if jpg or png) to cells and re-size

    This was great. Thanks for the help. I'm new to vba (today). Any suggestions on how to loop the final post for multiple files and also how to pull in image tags and other relevant info. Really appreciate any other you can offer. Cheers Adam

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