
I am making a template for a calendar, with an ActiveX Control making it possible to switch between the months in the same cells on the same sheet.

I've managed to create formulas that make the dates and week numbers follow the chaning of the month.

The problem I'm having seems ridiculously simple in comparison;

Under each cell that shows the date for the current month (controlled by the ActiveX Control button and formulas)
I have left a cell blank. I want to add text to these cells that correspond with the date shown in the cell above. And it's gonna be quite a lot of text, since they're gonna contain reading plans for school, work shifts, gym visits etc.

WHat i need is an easy way to link the blank cells with the cells containing the dates, so it's easy to fill in that day's tasks and so the content doesn't stay the same when i shift between the months.

I'm thinking a vba code is easier than a formula, but that's just because i haven't found a way to fill in a cell that already contains a formula, without showing the formula value/result.

I hope someone out there actually understood what I meant, it's hard to explain without being able to show you in my worksheet at the same time :-P