Hello, for starters, I am a novice. Not a beginner, but a novice. I dabble.
Ok, this might be a bit confusing, but here goes... I have a spreadsheet that I produce every two weeks for payroll to determine how much to pay my employees. I would like to send a screenshot of a single row (and a header) to each of my employees of their specific (and only their) commission and other pertinent information. The row of information that I send should only go to the email address in that row, since the information is private to each employee.
THis is what the table looks like:
I have the following piece of code (at the bottom) that I have used in the past to take a snapshot of a static couple of rows and open an email in outlook for me. But I dont know how to make that cut out dynamic (change based on who the email will go to). Also, I then must write the recipient in the to: field and then click send. This would work, but I would like to use just the header and the row of the respective email address. (meaning, I don't want Alexis to see information for anyone else...only her. and I don't want Sarah to see anyone elses information, only hers.) Also, I dont need to send to everyone, only a few of the employees, so, perhpas If I had a column that i put a checkbox in, or the letter "y" for yes and only send to those employees.
So an example ofthe end result that I am looking for is for me to do the following:
1.) put a "y" in column "O" for Alexis, Bianca and Shannon. (Row 2,4,5)
2.) Run a macro
3.) Have 3 emails generated (or automagically sent) as the following:
3a.) An email to [email protected] that says: Hello Alexis, here are your numbers for this pay period. And then paste the Header (A1:L1)and also the data (A2:L2)
3b.) A separate email to [email protected] that says: Hello Bianca, here are your numbers for this pay period. And then paste the Header (A1:L1)and also the data (A4:L4)
3c.) And another email to [email protected] that says: Hello Shannon, here are your numbers for this pay period. And then paste the Header (A1:L1)and also the data (A5:L5)
Here is what the email might look like:
Screen emails.jpg
And here is the code I used to make that email:
Any help is appreciated!!