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Recording a Macro with Filtering and variable cell numbers

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  1. #1
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    Recording a Macro with Filtering and variable cell numbers

    I am trying to record a macro that allows me to filter out certain information and copy and paste the information needed into another sheet -- the issue I am having is the cell numbers will vary each time so the macro errors out. Is there a way to move rows to another spreadsheet based on there being information in a certain column.

    In my situation I have the following information:

    A: Entity
    B: Building
    C: Unit
    D: Resident
    E: First Name
    F: Last Name
    G: CHC
    H: CHC Date
    I: Last Payment Date
    J: Resident Balance
    K: Assessment Amount
    L: Assessment Frequency

    I am wanting cells that contain: AD, DL, DM, FD, LP, PP or RM in column G to be moved to their own tabs.

    Please help!

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: Recording a Macro with Filtering and variable cell numbers

    You aren't going to be able to duplicate that in a recorded macro. It's going to have to be custom.

    If you want someone to write that for you then:

    Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.

    Remember to desensitize the data.

    Click on GO ADVANCED and use the paperclip icon to open the upload window.

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    Click the * Add Reputation button in the lower left hand corner of this post to say thanks.

    Don't forget to mark this thread SOLVED by going to the "Thread Tools" drop down list above your first post and choosing solved.

  3. #3
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    Re: Recording a Macro with Filtering and variable cell numbers

    Here is an example with both a before and an after. Normally there will be about 600+ accounts but for this purpose I only kept a few. The amount of accounts for each tab will be different everytime the macro is ran so it needs to move it based off of column G "CHC".

    Thank you.
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Recording a Macro with Filtering and variable cell numbers

    Hi Ashley

    Are there just the 4 (RM, PP, AD and Pre-Legal and Demand)?

    If you have issues with Code I've provided, I appreciate your feedback.

    In the event Code provided resolves your issue, please mark your Thread as SOLVED.

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  5. #5
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    Re: Recording a Macro with Filtering and variable cell numbers

    There are 7 CHCs under column G

    RM has all the RMs
    PP has all the PPs
    AD has all the ADs
    and Pre-Legal and Demand has the following: DL, DM, FD, LP


  6. #6
    Forum Expert jaslake's Avatar
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    Re: Recording a Macro with Filtering and variable cell numbers

    Hi Ashley

    This Code in the attached could be shortened up but it appears to do the job. CTRL + x will fire the Code. Let me know of issues.
    Option Explicit
    Sub Filter_Stuff()
       Dim ws           As Worksheet
       Dim ws1          As Worksheet
       Dim LR           As Long
       Dim i            As Long
       Dim myFilter     As String
       Dim myFilter4()  As Variant
       Application.ScreenUpdating = False
       Set ws = Sheets("AUDIT LIST")
       With ws
          LR = .Cells.Find("*", .Cells(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count), SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
          If Not .AutoFilterMode Then
          End If
          For i = 1 To 4
             Select Case i
             Case 1
                myFilter = "RM"
                .Range("A1:M5" & LR).AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=myFilter
                If Not Evaluate("isref(" & myFilter & "!A1)") Then
                   Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(1)).Name = myFilter
                End If
                Set ws1 = Sheets(myFilter)
                With ws1
                   ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(LR, "M")).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
                   .Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=8
                   .Range("A1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
                End With
             Case 2
                myFilter = "PP"
                .Range("A1:M5" & LR).AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=myFilter
                If Not Evaluate("isref(" & myFilter & "!A1)") Then
                   Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(1)).Name = myFilter
                End If
                Set ws1 = Sheets(myFilter)
                With ws1
                   ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(LR, "M")).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
                   .Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=8
                   .Range("A1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
                End With
             Case 3
                myFilter = "AD"
                .Range("A1:M5" & LR).AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=myFilter
                If Not Evaluate("isref(" & myFilter & "!A1)") Then
                   Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(1)).Name = myFilter
                End If
                Set ws1 = Sheets(myFilter)
                With ws1
                   ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(LR, "M")).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
                   .Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=8
                   .Range("A1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
                End With
             Case 4
                myFilter4 = Array("DL", "FD", "LP", "DM")
                .Range("A1:M5" & LR).AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=myFilter4, Operator:=xlFilterValues
                If Not Evaluate("isref('Pre-Legal and Demand'!A1)") Then
                   Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(1)).Name = "Pre-Legal and Demand"
                   Sheets("Pre-Legal and Demand").UsedRange.Clear
                End If
                Set ws1 = Sheets("Pre-Legal and Demand")
                With ws1
                   ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(LR, "M")).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
                   .Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=8
                   .Range("A1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
                End With
             End Select
          Next i
          .AutoFilterMode = False
       End With
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
       Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
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  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Re: Recording a Macro with Filtering and variable cell numbers

    There are 7 CHCs under column G

    RM has all the RMs
    PP has all the PPs
    AD has all the ADs
    and Pre-Legal and Demand has the following: DL, DM, FD, LP


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