I have two parts to my problem.

1)I’m trying to develop a daily macro where a part of this will involve opening up the output of this macro from the previous day. So the output of this macro will be called “Daily Exception Report DD.MM.YYYY” .So for my macro run on 29/09/2015, I want it to open the “Daily Exception Report” from 28/09/2015, if there is no report on this day, open up the file from the previous day, and so on until the closest available report to today is found.

2)I then want to do a v lookup to carry over some data that I have in yesterday’s report to the report I am generating today. So my formula for the report on 29/09/2015 would look like:

=VLOOKUP(A2,'[Daily Exception Report 28.09.2015.xlsx]!$A:$H,2,FALSE)

Essentially, I don’t know how to write the code complete the vlookup with varying dates. So today the vlookup will look like the example above and then tomorrow it will look like:

=VLOOKUP(A2,'[Daily Exception Report 29.09.2015.xlsx]!$A:$H,2,FALSE)

Very much stumped on both of these problems so any help would be really appreciated!
