I have a two part problem/question:
1. I need to label a specific data point on a series.
2. I need that label to have custom text & the value of the data point (e.g. "PTA: $108,750)

The details:
The chart is generated by user inputs. I have a process that creates the chart and uses multiple sub processes to add the series, scale the x-axis, and modify the chart legend. Manipulating the series by number isn't reliable as it may be the 7th or 11th series, depending on user inputs. To keep the chart reliable, each time the user navigates to the worksheet containing the chart, it deletes and re-adds. What I have so far is working *perfectly* for what I need. I want to be able to label the specific point when the series is created.

Here's the code I'm using to add the new series:
Sub NegFinalPosition()
    Dim negXvalue As Range
    Dim negYvalue As Range
    Set ds = Worksheets("Data - Chart")
    Set cs = Worksheets("Position Chart")
    Set negXvalue = ds.Range("cdata.neg.xvalues")
    Set negYvalue = ds.Range("cdata.neg.yvalues")
    With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        .Name = "Final Negotiated Outcome"
        .Values = negYvalue
        .XValues = negXvalue
        .Format.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(79, 129, 189)
    End With
End Sub
Thank you in advance for any assistance.