
I am struggling to solve for two issues.
1) When I use the code below and a name form my list in the master sheet is >31 characters or uses : /\ ..., I get Template(x) as a name. Is there any way to handle the errors by truncating the names and getting rid of the unallowed characters?
2) I would also like to create an index in another column of the master sheet with the names and hyperlink of the newly created sheets.

The code I am using to generate the sheets is:
Sub CreateSheetsFromList()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim projectCell As Range, projectIDcol As Range
    'Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set projectIDcol = Sheets("Portfolio Roadmap").Range("D4")
    Set projectIDcol = Range(projectIDcol, projectIDcol.End(xlDown))
    For Each projectCell In projectIDcol
      On Error Resume Next
        If IsError(Worksheets(projectCell.Value)) Then
    Sheets("template").Select ' Select the template as the new worksheet to create
    Sheets("template").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) 'Creates a new worksheet based on the template. Worksheet will be named template(1), (2) ect....
    Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = projectCell.Value ' Renames the worksheets from the index of project.
    End If
Next projectCell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Sheets("Portfolio Roadmap").Select
End Sub
Thank you very much for your help,

Kind regards,
