The workbook contains 202 sheets. I want to search cell G19 on 196 of them. For every instance where G19 is not blank (that is, it contains text and/or numbers--I don't care) copy the contents of that G19 to a list on a separate sheet.

For example:

I want to
Ignore Sheet "PS5"
Ignore Sheet "PS10"
Sheet "PS15" G19 contains "No handball courts"
Sheet "PS20" G19 is blank
Sheet "PS25" G19 is blank
Sheet "PS30" G19 contains "Too many handball courts"
Ignore Sheet "PS35"

And then
My summary sheet "FirstWorldProblems" should list "No handball courts," and the cell right below this should contain "Too many handball courts" with no blank rows between.

I found some code to list the contents of every worksheet cell that matches the active cell when I run a macro. I don't understand a word of it.

I also found some code to search through a column of, yes, 196 rows and copy its contents to another column on the same worksheet if the adjacent cell is not blank.

These are close, but I can't figure how to modify either to make this work. (Had to delete the code to get this through the firewall.)

Your expertise and patience are much appreciated. I will not be offended if you laugh at me.

Many thanks to all.