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VBA code excel list of folder name, the folder path of subfolder, the file name & revision

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb VBA code excel list of folder name, the folder path of subfolder, the file name & revision

    Dear all,

    I would like to create an excel sheet which shows folder name, the folder path of subfolder, the file name in the subfolder which consists of 8 combination of characters and numbers and the updated revision numbers.

    I've written some codes as below and it can only shows the folder name and one of the folder name isn't appeared in the excel list. It would be highly appreciated if you could help.


    Sub FolderNameList()

    Dim iFolder As Long
    Dim oFS0 As Object
    Dim oFolder As Object
    Dim oFldr As Object

    Set oFS0 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemobject")
    Set oFolder = oFS0.getfolder("C:\Users\pwloo\Desktop\goal")

    For Each oFldr In oFolder.Subfolders
    iFolder = iFolder + 1
    Cells(iFolder, "A").Value = oFldr.Name
    Next oFldr

    'Insert the headers for Columns'
    Range("A1").Value = "Folder Name"
    Range("B1").Value = "Directory of subfolder"
    Range("C1").Value = "file name"
    Range("D1").Value = "numbers of file"

    Set oFolder = Nothing
    Set oFS0 = Nothing

    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: VBA code excel list of folder name, the folder path of subfolder, the file name & revi

    I can't follow what you are trying to do? What folder name does not appear?

    Also, edit your post and wrap your code in code tags.
    Be fore warned, I regularly post drunk. So don't take offence (too much) to what I say.
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    If you receive help please give thanks. Click the * in the bottom left hand corner.

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: VBA code excel list of folder name, the folder path of subfolder, the file name & revi

    Very heavy cross poster

    links are to be found at http://www.msofficeforums.com/excel-...-workbook.html

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