Hi there,

I'm not exactly new to Excel (2007), but I've just been introduced to the world of macros. I had no clue they could even be written until a few hours ago! I'm assuming I'll need one to complete the task I'm after, maybe, maybe not! We'll see!

I have a workbook that has three sheets in it. In each sheet, column A contains a list of names on a roster. Columns B through M contain differing values that correspond to the person's name in that row. At the end, in column N, a calculation is performed on all of those values to get a total score for the person's name that's in that row.

What I'd like to do is create a separate sheet that searches the three sheets in question for the highest 20 total scores it finds and list them in a descending order on the fourth sheet. However, when it lists them, I'm looking for it to list the score AND the name that the score is associated with.

Sounds relatively complicated to me, but pretty important for what purpose the workbook holds! Thanks a lot in advance, the help is very much appreciated!