I've spent an embarrassing amount of time and frustration simply attempting to delete a cell. Please help me understand the scope of the problem statement in addition to any common techniques for using the subject methods efficiently and concisely.

A specific problem that highlights my ignorance is described below.

I will set a range to a cell and attempt to delete it and it consistently deletes the cell just below a given row. I will even go as far as to prove that the cell is set to a given row and column with a MsgBox ("Column: " & rng_todelete.Offset(ColumnOffset:=i).Column & vbCr & "Row: " & rng_todelete.Offset(ColumnOffset:=i).row) line of code just before rng_todelete.Delete and I still delete the cell just below rng_todelete.Delete is located.

The loop encompassing that Set rng_todelete = rng.Offset(0, i) line is also unnecessary. I can resize that to delete 5 rows with an expression similar to rng.Offset(some arg.).Resize( ColumnSize:= 5).

Please help me understand .delete/.resize/.offset methods. I'm trying very hard to avoid .selection/.select methods.

All this code is trying to do is compare 5 consecutive cells of code and delete duplicate sets of 5 identical consecutive cells across a few hundred columns. This should be very simple.
Sub Deleterows()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim dM As Dictionary
Dim row As Long, col As Long
Dim rng As Range, rng_row As Range, rng_todelete As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim LongKey As String

Set dM = New Dictionary

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Temp5")
LongKey = Empty

For Each rng_row In ws.UsedRange.Rows
    For Each rng In rng_row.Cells
        row = rng.row
        col = rng.Column

        If col Mod 5 = 0 Then
            LongKey = LongKey & rng.Value
            If dM.Exists(LongKey) Then
                For i = 0 To -4 Step -1
                    Set rng_todelete = rng.Offset(0, i)
                    MsgBox ("Column: " & rng.Offset(ColumnOffset:=i).Column & vbCr & "Row: " & rng.Offset(ColumnOffset:=i).row)
                    MsgBox ("Column: " & rng_todelete.Offset(ColumnOffset:=i).Column & vbCr & "Row: " & rng_todelete.Offset(ColumnOffset:=i).row)
                Next i
                dM.Item(LongKey) = rng.Address
                LongKey = Empty
                End If
            LongKey = rng.Value & LongKey
        End If
    Next rng

Next rng_row

End Sub
Thank you