I have 2 workbooks I cant give example of WB1 at this time
workbook 1 is a collection of data for the entire day
workbook 2 (WB2.xls) is a list of updates for that day
so I want to search WB1 "sheet1" column G for the number located in column C of WB2 if the number is found I want it to add to WB1,"sheet1" column K if its waiting on 1,2,3, or update depending on what section the update is in. then I want it to add the text from comments (column E) to column K as well
so when tha macro is ran it will look at the number in column C on the example find it in column G of the other workbook then add waiting on 1 and the contents of the comments section but it cant replace the data that's already in column k it need to append to it
can this be done?
