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create a summary sheet based on the criteria from two diifferent sheets

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  1. #1
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    create a summary sheet based on the criteria from two diifferent sheets

    dear sirs

    I would request for your consideration to my email to fix this long lasting issues which i couldnt fix after trying since last 3 months.

    I have two sheets named "wtsbimport"[sheet1] and "DEHAM"[Sheet2]
    I need to put this information in 3rd sheet named "Wt. Slab Data IMP"
    in the sheet1, i have to consider columns 7 to column 16, pick the values for these columns and put in the summary sheet[ i have attached the sheets for your reference]
    In the sheet2, i have some IDs in column AL, starting from 2nd row. these ID needs to be incorporated from the sheet and put in the summary sheet.
    there is the column which is referencing to the size[20s,40s], based on which I need to pick up the ID and put in the summary sheet.
    but there is no reference of column I , which is most i want to link between

    example is attached in the excel sample, which will help you to understand my problem.

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
     Const cShRawData As String = "wtsbimport"
     Dim arrRawData
     Const cDestinationCol As Long = 1          '  4 = Destination ( Start/End point ) (D)
     Const cViaDepotCol As Long = 2              '  5 = Via/Depot ( Pickup / drop of empty ) (E)
     Const cShYellowSheet As String = "DEHAM"
     Const cDropLocCol As Long = 1              '  5 = Drop Location (E)
     Const cDropZipCol As Long = 2               '  21 = Return location (U)
     Const cIdCol As Long = 38                  ' 38 = Id (AL)
      Const cIdsize As Long = 9                  ' 38 = Id (AL)
     Dim arrYellowSheet
     Const cShOutPutData As String = "Wt. Slab Data IMP"
     Dim arrOutPut
     Dim oDic As Object, sTemp As String
     Dim iRow As Long, iCol As Long, iPtr As Long
    On Error Resume Next
     With Worksheets(cShYellowSheet)
        arrYellowSheet = .Range("a1").CurrentRegion
        End With
     Set oDic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
     oDic.comparemode = 1
     For iRow = 2 To UBound(arrYellowSheet)
        sTemp = Trim$(arrYellowSheet(iRow, cIdsize)) & Trim$(arrYellowSheet(iRow, cDropLocCol))
        If Not oDic.exists(sTemp) Then
            oDic.Item(sTemp) = arrYellowSheet(iRow, cIdCol)
        End If
     With Worksheets(cShRawData)
        arrRawData = .Range("a13").CurrentRegion
        End With
     ReDim arrOutPut(1 To UBound(arrRawData) * 10, 1 To 5)
     For iRow = 13 To UBound(arrRawData)
        sTemp = Trim$(arrRawData(iRow, cDestinationCol)) & Trim(arrRawData(iRow, cViaDepotCol))
        sTemp = oDic.Item(sTemp)
        For iCol = 7 To 16
           ' If iCol <> 12 Then
                iPtr = iPtr + 1
                   arrOutPut(iPtr, 1) = VBA.Choose(iCol, , , , , , , Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G12").Value, 2) & "s", Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H12").Value, 2) & "s", Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("I12").Value, 2) & "s", Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("J12").Value, 2) & "s", Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("K12").Value, 2) & "s", Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("L12").Value, 2) & "s", Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("M12").Value, 2) & "s", Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("N12").Value, 2) & "s", Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("O12").Value, 2) & "s", Left(Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("P12").Value, 2) & "s")
                   arrOutPut(iPtr, 2) = VBA.Choose(iCol, , , , , , , Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G2").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G3").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G4").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G5").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G6").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G7").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G8").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G9").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G10").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("G11").Value)
                arrOutPut(iPtr, 3) = VBA.Choose(iCol, , , , , , , Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H2").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H3").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H4").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H5").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H6").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H7").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H8").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H9").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H10").Value, Sheets("wtsbimport").Range("H11").Value)
                arrOutPut(iPtr, 4) = arrRawData(iRow, iCol)
                arrOutPut(iPtr, 5) = sTemp
            'End If
     With Worksheets(cShOutPutData)
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(, 5) = Array("Size", "From", "To", "Amount", "Id")
        .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(arrOutPut), 5) = arrOutPut
        End With
        End Sub
    Thanks for your kind consideration

  2. #2
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    Re: create a summary sheet based on the criteria from two diifferent sheets

    dear experts
    i beg you guys to help me as i am struggling to close this project becuase of this issue which i am unable to sort out

    please i heartfully will be thankful to you if some one can provide me with the solution

  3. #3
    Forum Expert sourabhg98's Avatar
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    Re: create a summary sheet based on the criteria from two diifferent sheets

    I can just see the images. I can't promise I can help, but I will certainly help if I can. But for that I need to see your sheet, which doesn't seem to be attached as you said.
    Can you please attach them?
    Happy to Help

    How to upload excel workbooks at this forum - http://www.excelforum.com/the-water-...his-forum.html

    "I don't get things easily, so please be precise and elaborate"

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  4. #4
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    Re: create a summary sheet based on the criteria from two diifferent sheets


    i am not sure, why i cant attach the excel sheet to the forum, i am trying my best; to attach the same.
    it just shows a thin bar and not opening any pop ups

    kindly advise if i can request any alternative way to send you the excel sheet

    thanks a lot for the reply and appreciate your response.

  5. #5
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    Re: create a summary sheet based on the criteria from two diifferent sheets

    dear all
    I m attaching all the information you require to solve my problem
    Attached Files Attached Files

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