Hi all,

So I'm rather new to VBA and am currently spending some time learning a bit about it and attempting to apply it to to some workbooks.

I've created a macro which displays a pop up where users enter a date, this date then gets pasted into a cell with feeds reports.

When I run this and type the date in as DD/MM/YY it comes out as MM/DD/YY. I've changed the formatting of the cell and ensures it says DD/MM/YY.

Sub Period_Selector()
Dim answer As Variant

answer = InputBox("Please type the month required:" & vbNewLine & "Format: DD/MM/YY", "Select Month", "Feb-16")

If answer <> "" Then

Worksheets(1).Range("B2").Value = answer

'do nothing

End If

End Sub
Thanks in advance,


P.S. if you have any great learning resources/recommendations for VBA please share