Hello experts. I searched but couldnt find anything that helped me.
I am designing a user form with 16 checkboxes. Dependent on which set of 4 check boxes (1-4; 5-8; 9-12, 13-16--- yes they need to be seperatly labeled but are similar in listbox options), I need a different set of options in the listbox.

I am wondering if its a simple

if cb1 or cb2 or cb3 or cb4 = true then
listboxDisp.List = "Array("option A", "Option B")
else if (cb 5 or cb 6 or cb7 or cb8 = true) then
listboxDisp.list = Array("option z", "option y")

Is this correct?
Where will this go so that when the cb is checked, the list option will appear in the list box.

Thanks in advance